1. fatelettronica
  2. RO CSVI
  3. Saturday, 31 August 2024
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I noticed that sometimes analyzing the log file I find a problem with importing data from ICECAT.
I am sure that the data exists and can be downloaded for the "iTek" brand. in icecat I see that there is a photo, for example.
I write you the first lines of the log file where I find the anomaly.

2024-08-31 10:32:55 50 [DEBUG] Found ICEcat mpn reference: ITGCADCDSB
2024-08-31 10:32:55 50 [DEBUG] Found ICEcat manufacturer name: ITEK
2024-08-31 10:32:55 50 [DEBUG] Find the ICEcat ID for manufacturer ITEK and part number ITGCADCDSB
2024-08-31 10:32:55 50 [QUERY] SELECT product_id FROM `jos_csvi_icecat_index` AS `i` LEFT JOIN `jos_csvi_icecat_suppliers` AS `s` ON ​​`s`.`supplier_id` = `i`.`supplier_id` WHERE `i`.`prod_id` = 'ITGCADCDSB' AND `s`.`supplier_name` = 'ITEK'
2024-08-31 10:32:55 50 [DEBUG] Find the ICEcat ID by similar SKU for manufacturer ITEK and part number ITGCADCDSB
2024-08-31 10:32:55 50 [DEBUG] Find the ICEcat ID as alternative ID for manufacturer ITEK and part number ITGCADCDSB
2024-08-31 10:32:55 50 [QUERY] SELECT product_id FROM `jos_csvi_icecat_index` AS `i` LEFT JOIN `jos_csvi_icecat_suppliers` AS `s` ON ​​`s`.`supplier_id` = `i`.`supplier_id` WHERE `i`.`m_prod_id` = 'ITGCADCDSB' AND `s`.`supplier_name` = 'ITEK'
2024-08-31 10:32:55 50 [DEBUG] Received ICEcat data: []

As you can see it does not receive anything [ ]

While a correct answer, from another article, is this:
2024-08-31 10:32:02 1 [DEBUG] Calling ICEcat URL: https://data.icecat.biz/export/freexml.int/IT/87646936.xml
2024-08-31 10:32:02 1 [DEBUG] Dialling...
2024-08-31 10:32:02 1 [DEBUG] Finished talking to ICEcat
2024-08-31 10:32:02 1 [DEBUG] Closed connection

Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
After installing the patch, the work is fine, now it is possible to download the ICECAT data with reference to EAN.
In the tests I noticed a strange thing and it is this.
Some new products did not have photos and description, which I had already reported some time ago. This is because in the DB there is already an unpublished product with a different SKU but with the same GTIN.
I deleted the old product from the DB and reloaded the new one now it has image and description. I tried this with some products.
So if I load a product with another SKU but with the same gtin it does not let me download the ICECAT data in the new one but writes them in the old unpublished product.
Unfortunately I use a system that, among various suppliers, chooses the product with the lowest price, but it is a long thing to explain.
Then there is also this problem: On some products it is not possible to download data from ICECAT and I cannot, at the moment, find a cause. Obviously the product is present with product_ID in the DB.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 21
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Some new products did not have photos and description, which I had already reported some time ago. This is because in the DB there is already an unpublished product with a different SKU but with the same GTIN.

Now that ean_upc field is added in code with patch file you can change Import based on field to product_sku on Options tab in import template. That will use product_sku value to fetch existing record from database. That should solve your issue. Please try and let me know.
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 22
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
you can change Import based on field to product_sku on Options tab in import template.

I realised the import based on field is what used for getting the product from ICECat so if product_sku field is set in import based on field then that value is searched against ean_upc field to get ICECat product. So please ignore my previous reply.

So if I load a product with another SKU but with the same gtin it does not let me download the ICECAT data in the new one but writes them in the old unpublished product.

That is correct. It finds the first matching record in database.

I deleted the old product from the DB and reloaded the new one now it has image and description. I tried this with some products.

May I ask why not delete unpublished products? We have a document explaining on Auto deleting discontinued products. Read through the document and see if that helps.

On some products it is not possible to download data from ICECAT and I cannot, at the moment, find a cause. Obviously the product is present with product_ID in the DB.

Can you post the import debug log with example product to check ICECat data? To get the debug log see How to collect debug information? document.
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 23
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