1. elisa
  2. RO CSVI
  3. Friday, 12 August 2022
  4.  Subscribe via email
Hi Roland and Tharuna!
At a recent export the site hung and we exceeded SQL refresh to over our daily limit of 150,000 and broke the site. How to prevent this happening?

thank you!
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hello Elisa,

150,000 queries is a lot of queries. Running the RSForm export does about 4-5 queries per record. Depending if logging is enabled, a few more queries are executed and there are some queries to store data about the export. Let's say you have 1000 submissions to export, that would be 5000 queries, let's say debugging is enabled, so we triple the amount of queries that would be 15,000 queries and add the overhead of 1000 queries, that makes a total of 16,000 queries. These are very generous numbers. To fit 16,000 queries into 150,000, you could at least run it 9 times.

This also depends on how often can you do 150,000 queries, is that per day or per hour or per week? How often does the export run?

Do you always have this problem when you run the export? How many submissions are we talking about?
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # Permalink
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi Roland, as written by mail this help link helped a lot https://rolandd.com/documentation/ro-csvi/use-of-group-by-and-sort-by-fields
Issue is solved.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi Roland,
yes the RS Forms export appeared to be stuck without further output, on reload the website was blank. The hoster then said the database was locked due to exceeding 150.000 Queries.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 2
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hello Elisa,

One query is not so easy to determine. In general a VirtueMart Product import does around 30 queries per record but this also heavily depends on all the settings. The count has nothing to do with the number of columns, the number of rows is important of course. If you import 10 or 100 records makes a difference. So for content import there is a query to see if the article exists, there are queries to validate the category, etc. etc.

With "broke the site" I think you mean you ran into the limit and the hosting provider did not allow the website to run or something else?
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 3
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi Roland, what is one query? is it one column or one row? Or is it each cell?
If it's for example 20 columns and 300 Entries is it then 6000 Queries?


  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 4
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hey Elisa,

How much are you exporting on a daily basis? You can only execute 150,000 queries a day? Depending on what you export and how often you export, you may be able to stay below the limit but it is not only the export that runs on the site of course. So will have to find out, where the queries are going.
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 5
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