1. regme_rojo
  2. RO CSVI
  3. Thursday, 30 June 2022
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Great Support here!

One more question came up: I need to add a comma at some point in the process of combining values:
I managed to combine them into a single Joomla! field. Perfect so far. Now I realize I need to add a comma (,) right after LSR_NAME and then add the LSR_NGTITEL.
So how to do this?
I created a rule to add a comma and a blank before LSR_NGTITEL, which is simple.
Unfortunately the values are combined with blanks in between, so I get a blank after LSR_NAME, then the comma, then another blank, and then the LSR_NGTITEL.

So my question: How to do the following combining?

rule 1: LSR_TITEL blank LSR_VORNAME blank LSR_NAME -> part of name
rule 2: (only if LSR_NGTITEL is not empty) part of name (from rule one)+comma+blank+LSR_NGTITEL

Thanks a lot for your help to get my project done!
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hello Christian,
I managed to combine them into a single Joomla! field. Perfect so far. Now I realize I need to add a comma (,) right after LSR_NAME and then add the LSR_NGTITEL.
So how to do this?

You can do that by using RO CSVI field combine rule plugin. Use Source fields as LSR_NAME, LSR_NGTITEL, Target field as LSR_NAME and combine character as comma(,)

rule 1: LSR_TITEL blank LSR_VORNAME blank LSR_NAME -> part of name

You can combine the three fields LSR_TITEL, LSR_VORNAME and LSR_NAME using RO CSVI field combine rule plugin. Use blank as combine character. See attached screenshot.

rule 2: (only if LSR_NGTITEL is not empty) part of name (from rule one)+comma+blank+LSR_NGTITEL

There is no option to check if a field has a value with Field combine rule. You can set Combine empty values field to No in rule settings so empty values are not combined. In this combine rule set Source fields as LSR_NAME, LSR_NGTITEL, Target field as LSR_NAME (or the field name you need the name to be updated) and combine character as comma+blank(, ).

Let me know on how it goes.
Attachments (1)
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # Permalink
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Done within minutes!
I did not know / understand I could combine source fields into source fields (LSR_TITEL, LSR_VORNAME and LSR_NAME -> LSR_NAME), then use them again ...

(until the next question comes up :p ;) )
  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 1
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