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  1. DarkoF
  2. RO CSVI
  3. Friday, 07 April 2023
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I try to create Multi Variant according instruction on website.

I have parent product and 3 children. I cant get it work, first I create in parent 2 columns with with multi_variant_title multi_variant_fields it didnt work, now I put multi_variant_title~multi_variant_fields in custom_tittle.

I attach both files children and parent. Children have custom fields in columns at parent file please see last two columns with custom_title and custom_value


Variant name is a constant = VARIANTA_VM
Variant fields I want 1 only = IZBERI_VM

All children already have column IZBERI_VM and set this custom fields is a string field and already working as a tag in filter.

Thank you.
Attachments (2)
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

Your parent file does not have the required fields multi_variant_title and multi_variant_fields, you have custom_title and custom_value but they are not used for the multi-variant import. These are two separate columns and not separated by a ~. So like this:


Your children file looks fine as you only need the IZBERI_VM field.

Your files should look like the example in the Importing Multi Variant custom field tutorial.

Let me know if that helps and post the debug log and updated import file if the import gives you troubles and we will have a look.
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
First I forgot to wrote my parents are unpublished, if this have any relevance.

As I wrote I did at start at first try as you advise, and didn't work,

Then I set up Multi variant manually in product just to make sure if is working, when I save multi variant I get this error:

vmError: vmTable store updateObject Column 'virtuemart_shoppergroup_id' cannot be null UPDATE `shop_virtuemart_product_prices` SET `virtuemart_product_id`='485',`virtuemart_shoppergroup_id`=NULL,`product_price`='2.24',`override`=NULL,`product_override_price`=NULL,`product_tax_id`=NULL,`product_discount_id`=NULL,`product_currency`=NULL,`product_price_publish_up`=NULL,`product_price_publish_down`=NULL,`price_quantity_start`=NULL,`price_quantity_end`=NULL,`modified_on`='2023-04-07 19:39:11',`modified_by`='113' WHERE `virtuemart_product_price_id` = '367'

But Variant get saved and all working as should.

Then I add also in csv to this parent additional value for custom fields IZBERI_VM value parent just that also parent have chosen value in multi variants.
I try use custom_disabler = Yes for this fields so child will not inherit them custom_disabler didn't work also.

Then I change multi_variant_title to Multi Variant (also I change name in custom fields) just to avoid confusion, try Import again.

I get this result:

An error has occurred during the import. Below the information received from the server.

Unknown column 'created_on' in 'field list'

I attach file which I try Import.

Also a log zip
Attachments (2)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 2
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Then I set up Multi variant manually in product just to make sure if is working, when I save multi variant I get this error:

vmError: vmTable store updateObject Column 'virtuemart_shoppergroup_id' cannot be null UPDATE `shop_virtuemart_product_prices` SET `virtuemart_product_id`='485',`virtuemart_shoppergroup_id`=NULL,`product_price`='2.24',`override`=NULL,`product_override_price`=NULL,`product_tax_id`=NULL,`product_discount_id`=NULL,`product_currency`=NULL,`product_price_publish_up`=NULL,`product_price_publish_down`=NULL,`price_quantity_start`=NULL,`price_quantity_end`=NULL,`modified_on`='2023-04-07 19:39:11',`modified_by`='113' WHERE `virtuemart_product_price_id` = '367'

But Variant get saved and all working as should.

Since you are manually saving the multi variant field, the error is from VirtueMart code. RO CSVI has nothing to do with this error.

Then I change multi_variant_title to Multi Variant (also I change name in custom fields) just to avoid confusion, try Import again.

I get this result:

An error has occurred during the import. Below the information received from the server.

Unknown column 'created_on' in 'field list'

With 4 version VirtueMart has removed created_on and created_by fields from #__virtuemart_product_customfields table. So on import saving the values to this table was causing the error. Please load the attached patch file and run the import again. See if import goes without any error.
Attachments (1)
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 3
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi I install patch then is working and I could import Multi variants without errors

1. In parent csv I try use custom disabler rule but is not working I try to ad Parent product for custom field IZBERI_VM value, Parent and stop it to be inherent to children's.

2. I can see on parent product Multi variant custom fields and children's product.

But I can't select each children a their own value , where asking you - Use custom label -is only - please select field - and when I click on it there noting shown. I should pick between 3 values for each child. This should be done automatic via csv but is not.

I check and each children have correctly each one 1 cistomfields IZBERI_VM
custom_title - value
first children: IZBERI_VM - Škatla za 3 steklenice
second children: IZBERI_VM - Škatla za 6 steklenic
Third children: IZBERI_VM - Škatla za 12 steklenic

I attach all csv and debug.
Attachments (3)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 4
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I install patch then is working and I could import Multi variants without errors

Thank you for confirming patch is working. This fix will be included in upcoming RO CSVI release.

1. In parent csv I try use custom disabler rule but is not working I try to ad Parent product for custom field IZBERI_VM value, Parent and stop it to be inherent to children's.

Instead of using custom_disabler field use custom_noninheritable field with value set to Y. This way parent custom field will not be visible for child products.

I can see on parent product Multi variant custom fields and children's product.

But I can't select each children a their own value , where asking you - Use custom label -is only - please select field - and when I click on it there noting shown. I should pick between 3 values for each child. This should be done automatic via csv but is not.

I check and each children have correctly each one 1 cistomfields IZBERI_VM

For some reason the parent child are not relation is not created when importing as two different files for parent and child. I have put parent and child products in one file and moved important data of parent product in the attached file. Please run import with attached file and check.
Attachments (1)
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 5
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