I have about 50 Joomla Menu links to set up all of which will just be external links to specific categories in an ebay store.
I want to be lazy & use CSVi in order to import these, but cant seem to figure out how I could do this from looking in CSVi or support docs?
These links will be set up in a "Hidden" Menu for me to reuse around the site in modules and articles.
Essentially, I will need something like this importing
Link Type, Link, Title
"External","http://www.alink.com","My Menu Title"
Is there a set up for this or will I need to dig into using custom fields?
Any help or ideas, welcome

EDIT - I tried a custom field import, from looking at some fields from an export. But this failed with the following error;
Duplicate entry '0-1--' for key 'idx_client_id_parent_id_alias_language' SQL=INSERT INTO `hbxys_menu` (`menutype`,`title`,`note`,`link`,`type`,`published`,`parent_id`,`level`,`component_id`,`checked_out`,`checked_out_time`,`browserNav`,`access`,`template_style_id`,`lft`,`rgt`,`home`,`language`,`client_id`) VALUES ('mainmenu','Test2','','2mytestlink.com','url','1','1','0','0','0','0000-00-00 00:00:00','1','0','0','0','0','0','','0')