1. jimmywiddle
  2. RO CSVI
  3. Friday, 02 March 2018
  4.  Subscribe via email
Hi, Im having issues updating from csvi pro version 7.1.0 to 7.4.1

Initially I was receiving the following error:

JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL Unknown column 'text_enclosure' in '#__csvi_maps'
Extension Update: SQL error processing query: DB function failed with error number 1054
Unknown column 'text_enclosure' in '#__csvi_maps'

ALTER TABLE `#__csvi_maps`
ADD `im_mac` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `text_enclosure`;

Package Update: There was an error installing an extension: com_csvi_7.4.1_pro.zip


I found a post on your forum with someone who had the same issue (https://csvimproved.com/forum?view=topic&catid=44&id=34190) and you recommended deleting the _csvi_maps db table and running the sql query, which I did, I then attempted the update and now am receiving the following error:

JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL Duplicate column name 'ean_upc_is_approved'
Extension Update: SQL error processing query: DB function failed with error number 1060
Duplicate column name 'ean_upc_is_approved'

ALTER TABLE `#__csvi_icecat_index`
ADD COLUMN `ean_upc_is_approved` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL AFTER `m_supplier_name`;

Package Update: There was an error installing an extension: com_csvi_7.4.1_pro.zip


Your help would be very much appreciated, thanks in advance!
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I found a post on your forum with someone who had the same issue ( http://csvimproved.com/forum?view=topic&catid=44&id=34190 ) and you recommended deleting the _csvi_maps db table and running the sql query, which I did, I then attempted the update and now am receiving the following error:

JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL Duplicate column name 'ean_upc_is_approved'
Extension Update: SQL error processing query: DB function failed with error number 1060
Duplicate column name 'ean_upc_is_approved'

ALTER TABLE `#__csvi_icecat_index`
ADD COLUMN `ean_upc_is_approved` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL AFTER `m_supplier_name`;

Package Update: There was an error installing an extension: com_csvi_7.4.1_pro.zip

The problem is when you did the first update all MySql update queries have ran but the CSVI version number has not been updated in database. So when you are installing the package second time Joomla runs the MySQL update queries again and you get duplicate column error as Joomla tries to create a field again which is already created. To update the version number try running the below by replacing #_ with your table prefix and pasting the query on SQL tab in your site PhpMyAdmin.

UPDATE `#__schemas` SET `version_id` = '7.4.1' WHERE `extension_id`=(SELECT extension_id FROM `#__extensions` WHERE `element`='com_csvi')
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Thanks fixed the issue, many thanks for your help!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 2
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