1. pabloarias
  2. RO CSVI
  3. Thursday, 04 May 2023
  4.  Subscribe via email

I'm having some issues with the import of an ACF File upload field.

In my csv file I have file names (separated with | character for multiple files), without any path in front of them, just plain file names.

I have created the field in Joomla, and configured it with a custom files folder (media/adjuntos, instead of the default media/acfupload).

The import seems to work fine, and files are assigned correctly to their Joomla articles. However, when I browse Joomla articles manager and edit any of the articles containing those files, in my ACF custom field, I see a "File missing" warning for every file, even though files are present in the correct folder. You can see image-1.png.

I've tried uploading a new file for that field manually, and it works fine, with the file being uploaded to the right folder (so the field is working fine). See image-2.png.

If I export this specific article with ROCSVI, this is what I get for that field:


So apparently, ROCSVI is not appending the right path to the field name when storing the value in the DB. Is this a bug or maybe I'm missing something anywhere (field settings, import CSV file format, ROCSVI template settings...)?

Thanks in advance!
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