CSVI Pro 6 RC1
J 3.4.3
VM 3.0.9
while importing products with images on my localhost there seems to be a problem with handling localhost urls to images. I have file_url field for example: http://localhost/images/image.jpg (it's accessible under my browser), but while importing I'm getting empty error (see prntscr) and no products are improting, what's wired - logs are quite correct. I tried "" (also accessible under my browser, but still images aren't importing). If file_url is any other for example: some\path\toimage.jpg it works - I mean products with images are importing fine.
I need to re-download images because CSVI has an option to change file names - I want to have random. Please take a look why this empty error appears and please tell can you reproduce it by your side?
Forgot to mention - if image path isn't "http://....." then images aren't re-downloading regardless to option "Re-download image: Yes".
Best regards,
- gnsbud
- Tuesday, 07 July 2015
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Hello Chris,
As for your images, I see them being processed without a problem in the log, so that isn't a problem.
I see in the log you use the virtuemart_product_id field. This can only be used if the products already exist and not recommended. You should be using the product_sku field, CSVI will find the product ID if it exists. Remove the virtuemart_product_id field and see how it goes.
If you get the same error, please check the page Using Firebug to analyze import problems and check what it tells you. With that we can see what might be going on.
Forgot to mention - if image path isn't "http://Correct, CSVI expects the image to have either an http/https/ftp prefix.
As for your images, I see them being processed without a problem in the log, so that isn't a problem.
I see in the log you use the virtuemart_product_id field. This can only be used if the products already exist and not recommended. You should be using the product_sku field, CSVI will find the product ID if it exists. Remove the virtuemart_product_id field and see how it goes.
If you get the same error, please check the page Using Firebug to analyze import problems and check what it tells you. With that we can see what might be going on.
Kind regards,
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If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
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product_sku is not an unique value, with over 170k products in shop I've quite large number of the same skus - that's why i must use virtuemart_product_id while updating already existing products. Don't mind virtuemart_product_id, I've been importing this way since very beginning of CSVI Pro 5 without any issue related.
I'll try to describe what I'm trying to do: as I mention, on my localhsot I want to import products with images, images are in "images/to_import/" directory, I'm storing VM product images in "images/products/", what I'm trying to achieve while importing is to grab product image from "images/to_import/" and past it to "images/products/" with different file name (I'have "Create image name" set to Yes and "Image name based on": Random). Nothing more
However empty error appears while using http://localhost and while using something like "D:/wamp/www/..." the "Location product files" path is being appended to the file_url, so I can't import any way.
product_sku is not an unique value, with over 170k products in shop I've quite large number of the same skus - that's why i must use virtuemart_product_id while updating already existing products. Don't mind virtuemart_product_id, I've been importing this way since very beginning of CSVI Pro 5 without any issue related.
I'll try to describe what I'm trying to do: as I mention, on my localhsot I want to import products with images, images are in "images/to_import/" directory, I'm storing VM product images in "images/products/", what I'm trying to achieve while importing is to grab product image from "images/to_import/" and past it to "images/products/" with different file name (I'have "Create image name" set to Yes and "Image name based on": Random). Nothing more

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Post what you see with Firebug and let's see if there is any more information in there.
However empty error appears while using http://localhostThat I understand and also the reason I asked to post what you see with Firebug.
using something like "D:/wamp/www/.That won't work because the file_url is expected to start with https/http/ftp if it needs to be retrieved from a remote location.
images are in "images/to_import/" directory, I'm storing VM product images in "images/products/"In that case you can only use http:// and not relative paths. Looking at the log before images are placed in given folder:
Store remote file on server D:/wamp/www/gnsbudnew/tmp/com_csvi/2093879585.jpg --> D:/wamp/www/gnsbudnew/images/produkty/1452176441_1.jpg
Post what you see with Firebug and let's see if there is any more information in there.
Kind regards,
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If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
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got some message:
Best regards,
got some message:
Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in \administrator\components\com_csvi\helper\image.php on line 1528
Best regards,
Accepted Answer
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Hey Chris,
In that case, turn down the error reporting. You can do this vai System -> Global configuration -> Server -> Error reporting. Set this to None.
In that case, turn down the error reporting. You can do this vai System -> Global configuration -> Server -> Error reporting. Set this to None.
Kind regards,
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If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
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when error reporting is off the same message appears, but I went further, just for tests I turned off error reporting and displaying for whole localhost globally, now empty error doesn't apper and above message also doesn't appear, import is finishing fine and I have my images renamed as I wanted :woohoo:
Thanks Roland!
Best regards,
when error reporting is off the same message appears, but I went further, just for tests I turned off error reporting and displaying for whole localhost globally, now empty error doesn't apper and above message also doesn't appear, import is finishing fine and I have my images renamed as I wanted :woohoo:
Thanks Roland!
Best regards,
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