Hi Tharuna,
Thank you for your quick reply.
I am using VM 4.0.7 version. created_on field is from #__virtuemart_products table and not from #__virtuemart_products_customfields table. See attached screenshot. Do you have this field in #__virtuemart_products table?
Yes I do have those columns in my #__virtuemart_products table.
When I import the products without any custom_fields the import does not throw any errors. Also when I add the missing columns to the #__virtuemart_product_customfield table and run the import (with custom_fields) it also does not throw any errors. So it seems to me the import of products with custom_fields wants to have that column available in that particular table.
Looks like something has gone wrong with your VM update
That's would be weird, cause It's on a clean install of Joomla! with Virtuemart, with the default installer from the Virtuemart website. Not said that it would be possible something went wrong with the installation, but I've tested it on 3 websites now and all 3 (1 local) throws the same error and are missing the same columns.
I know that in previous versions of Virtuemart (vm 3.8.8) the created_on field was also added to the #__virtuemart_product_customfields table.