1. Benabbott
  2. RO CSVI
  3. Monday, 13 January 2014
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Hello Sir,

I have using virtuemart version 2.0.24c, CSVI version 5.15, Joomla! 2.5.14.

--> When I have export CSV file with the virtuemart product data and parent id then they are exporting with the Children product, but when i have added the new product with the children product and then importing the CSV file the data are not not displayed with the children products.

--> When I have select the number of records to export up to 2 to 70, then they are exported but when i add one new product then some products are successfully imported and some are failed.

So please suggest me what can i do then all products are import with the children products.

Please help me here.

Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hello Ben,

Sorry this is a long one, i am stuck in the middle here!
Not a problem, patience is a virtue.

we still need to work out how to add the products and there related custom fields at the same time.
Let me see how I can help with that.

To export the custom fields at the same time do we need to add:
plugin_name, custom_element, custom_title, custom_value, field_type as in the support here...
Almost but not completely. Skip to and look at the section that is called Using the Product import with custom fields. The 5 fields that are needed are mentioned there. Now I see in your CSV file you are using the stockable plugin, in that case it is better to have a look at the Stockable variants import tutorial. There is an example CSV there too.

Can we do this in the same csv as the products so everything is added at the same time the product its childeren and the custom fields so they are populated on import?
Yes you can, see the example CSV mentioned above.

Is the best way to go about this to create the product and all custom fields in the test site and then to create an export template that contains all the required fields before attempting to import?
You won't need that, as CSVI will create whatever is not present yet. The only thing that must be created before you import is the Custom Field itself under Custom Fields.

Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hello Ben,

Please help me here.
I would love to but I can't help you if you don't help me with the information requested at the top of this page under Looking for a useful answer?

When I have export CSV file with the virtuemart product data and parent id
This is not recommended at all. Recommended is to use the product_sku and the product_parent_sku fields. Fields ending in _id are not set in stone.

When I have select the number of records to export up to 2 to 70, then they are exported
You cannot export all your products or you have no need for it?

Your topic title refers to custom fields but you don't mention them in your post. If you are looking for guidance on custom fields, have a look at the Custom fields import and export.
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 2
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi Roland

Thank you for your time on this problem i am working with a friend (Jignesh) in india on this project who has created the virtuemart product and its custom fields for me and is trying to use CSVI to allow me to add new products with all attributes (including custom fields prices).

I will try to get him to explain exactly what the custom fields are and how he is attemting to use CSVI. I have read all of your help docs but still cant see exacly how the custom fields he has created will be exported.

Kind Regards
Ben Abbott
  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 3
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hello Ben,

Any question you have feel free to post them but accompany them with the requested info at the top of the page. This will allow me to give you a useful answer to your question. It will also be useful to know how the custom fields are setup and what type they are (text, plugin etc.).
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 4
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi Roland

CSVI 5.15 Pro
Virtuemart 2.0.26d
Joomla! 2.5.11

I purchased CSVI Pro with the understanding i can use it to add products and update all prices accross my virtuemart shop by importing/exporting custom fields containing the product options and prices is this correct?

I have the master product and all custom tables working in the test virtuemart installation and i now want to be able to export to Excel CSV and import into the identical production installation. But so far we have been unable to export all the relevant custom field data from the test site.

The end result would be to be able to update all products and options in one CSV is this possible?

And if it is possible do you know if there is a specific way the virtuemart custom fields have to be set up?

Thank you for your time.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 5
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hello Ben,

I purchased CSVI Pro with the understanding i can use it to add products and update all prices accross my virtuemart shop by importing/exporting custom fields containing the product options and prices is this correct?
That is correct with one remark. If you are using a 3rd party custom field plugin, it may not be supported (yet). Are you using any 3rd party custom field plugins?

The end result would be to be able to update all products and options in one CSV is this possible?
That is possible.

And if it is possible do you know if there is a specific way the virtuemart custom fields have to be set up?
The Custom fields import and export tutorial I linked before is the document you will need to setup all fields.
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 6
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi Roland

Thanks for the quick response.

I started by using the breezingforms custom fields plugin is this compatible?

But since Jignesh is using the VM - Custom, stckable variants plugin. I have attached details of what he has done along with a test csv i have output. I am confused as to how we export the option values in the Size/Quantity/Colour/Paper

Is there is a problem with our product setup in the VM - Custom, stckable variants in virtuemart or is it our setup of the CSVI.

I really apprieciate your help on this.

Thanks in advance,
Attachments (2)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 7
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hey Ben,

I started by using the breezingforms custom fields plugin is this compatible?
This one is not compatible. It is yet another plugin I do not know the existence of ;)

But since Jignesh is using the VM - Custom, stckable variants plugin
This plugin is already supported since it comes standard with VM.

I am confused as to how we export the option values in the Size/Quantity/Colour/Paper
It seems that you have default values set for these fields. Can you post a screenshot of your field configuration in the export template?
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 8
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi Roland

In this Grab i have deleted all the defaults but my column output then comes out blank?

Attachments (2)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 9
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hello Ben,

Sorry to say but the field setup is pretty wrong. Let's start by cleaning that up. Here is the list to follow
  1. Remove 2 of the custom_value fields, so only 1 is left over.
  2. Empty all the Column header fields.
  3. Fix the order column by clicking on the icon next to the word Order above the column. This will make the order sequential.
After these changes are applied, run a new export and let's check what you have in your file then.
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 10
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi Roland

All changes made

All blank?
Attachments (2)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 11
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hello Ben,

All blank?
Possible, do you already have custom fields assigned to products?

You may want to set the option Record Grouping to Yes on the File tab (1st tab). This will clean up the duplicates in the file.
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 12
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
product_sku custom_title custom_price product_parent_id custom_value custom_param
new2 0
new2 82

This is the only output.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 13
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
That I would expect. You haven't answered my question yet:
do you already have custom fields assigned to products?
Kind regards,


If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 14
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

Sorry the last message was lost, there are no other custom fields in use.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 15
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
we have tried several plugins so maybe there is a conflict somewhere.

Is the product set up correctly in Virtuemart in "Custom fields screengrab 000.JPG" and "Custom fields screengrab 001.JPG"?

I have another fresh installation i think i am going to try to set it up there.
Attachments (2)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 16
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hey Ben,

The custom field should be assigned to the parent product. I can't tell if new2 is your parent product or not because the options are all related to products with the same name. I would expect to see the names of all your child products there. The product SKU must be unique for every child product, this is a requirement from CSVI.

See attached a screenshot of my stockable setup.
Attachments (1)
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 17
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I think that's it no unique child SKU's

Thanks very much for your help i really apprieciate it. I will go back and try it myself.

Kind regards,
Ben Abbott
  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 18
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Keep me updated Ben.
Kind regards,


If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 19
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I will be trying to set it up correctly today so may be in touch later thanks.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 20
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