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  1. appletree
  2. RO CSVI
  3. Friday, 08 May 2015
  4.  Subscribe via email
Hello Roland,
I just started with CSVI Pro 6.0 beta6 and trying to make an export of orders in Hikashop. I think I have to make a template, but what is the next step? I can not find how to tell CSVI which tables I want to use, can not find a button 'add fields' or something. Is there any video available which shows a 'how to start with exporting something from Joomla to csv?'
(for this version of CSVI) Or do I has to start with version 5?

best regards,

update: I found a way to add database fields. But a video would help and save some time.
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hello Nico,

There is no video available. The process is as follows:
  1. You create a template
  2. Add the template fields if needed. You can do that via the Add fields button in your template.
  3. Run the import or export

I can not find how to tell CSVI which tables I want to use
You don't tell CSVI which table to use, CSVI knows which tables to use based on the type of import/export you set in your template.

can not find a button 'add fields' or something
In the menu go to Templates -> Template fields to add the fields you want or use the button in the template on the Fields tab.

If you want to consult a list of available fields you can go to Maintenance -> Available fields.

Let me know if you have any further questions.
Kind regards,


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