1. ptrouw
  2. RO CSVI
  3. Tuesday, 30 June 2015
  4.  Subscribe via email
Hi Rolland,

I have updated the products table with new related_products. Only the order of related products seems to be random. Do you have any idea how to influence this?

So I had a number of related_products in a specific SKU order: BOXBAG1|COOLBAG1|LABEL1|UN0002B
But they are not showing in this order.
Or is this something in the template code? Any ideas?

Kind regards, Paul
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hello Paul,

With CSVI product import you can't set the ordering of the related products. The only thing I can think of as a workaround is the following. After you have imported the products and their related products you can do a custom table export of the virtuemart_product_customfields where you export the virtuemart_customfield_id, customfield_value and the ordering field. With this export you get all the custom fields and their ordering. You can update the ordering and import it back with a custom table import. However the customfield_value will be the ID of the product, so you may need another export where you have the product_name and virtuemart_product_id to use as a reference. It is a bit cumbersome but the only way I see now. Alternatively it could be coded into an import override routine.
Kind regards,


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