i'm trying to import a database delivered in xml from our delivery partner to virtuemart3.0.
How can i make it so csv improved checks the field and parses it to multiple values in that field.
For example: sees that color uses , as seperator and fill this as multiple values for the specific produkt sku table.
Also for clothing_size the seperator is / so it should fill 2 custom fields with clothing size.
And genre (i use the catagory field in the xml table for this). I am trying to import to custom field genre with multiple choices in it, seperated with ,
So 3 things, special genre import procedure, special colors one and special clothing_size
Current csvi template http://paste.thezomg.com/15907/91979051/
Current csvi tablefields http://paste.thezomg.com/15909/41919876/
Multiple fields combine sql http://paste.thezomg.com/15910/41919993/
and example xml http://paste.thezomg.com/15908/91980451/
Jan Willem
password in the example csvi is fake