1. andrejk
  2. RO CSVI
  3. Thursday, 28 April 2022
  4.  Subscribe via email

I have export product from VM for Google marchant. But now export some are products with link like: var/www289/p582/XXXXXXX.sk/web/administrator/components/com_csvi/detsky-suchy-bazen-exclusive-meowbaby-zamat-model-spring-s-gulickami-250

the export is through crona and so far it was without problems.

Please, where is problem?

Best regards

Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hello Andrej,
I have export product from VM for Google marchant. But now export some are products with link like: var/www289/p582/XXXXXXX.sk/web/administrator/components/com_csvi/detsky-suchy-bazen-exclusive-meowbaby-zamat-model-spring-s-gulickami-250

From RO CSVI Maintenance page, select VirtueMart in first option, Refresh SEF URLs in second option and select the Google export template. Click on continue. This will generate fresh SEF URLs for products in database. Try the export after that and see if it makes any difference.

the export is through crona and so far it was without problems.

Any idea what changed?
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

thank you for your replay,

when I run TEMPLATE from Administrator all URLs is OK, but when TEMPLATE run via cron - urls was wrong

Best regards
  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 2
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hello Andrej,
Did you try the Refresh SEF URLs option in maintenance as explained in my previous reply before running the cron? Since you are saying it is only with some products, i would suggest you to generate the URLs using Maintenance option and then run the cron job export. Please check if that solves the issue.
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 3
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