1. roderic
  2. RO CSVI
  3. Monday, 03 June 2024
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For several websites I would be helped a lot, when you can select something like "Today" or "Last X hour" instead of Yesterday/This week etc. in the Order export.
|'ve had a look myself, but unfortunately didn't get it to work. But I assume the reason it is not there atm, is because all the options that are available now, are based on days instead of hours. It would need a few small changes to make it work with hours as well. Am I right?

I also tried to do it with Skip Rule and Regex, but no luck.

Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hallo Roland,

Late reply, but here we go:
Yes, I use Since last run. However, sometimes the order isn't being accepted by the bookkeeping program and in that case, I need to re-export this specific order. I have a second template running right now, set to Yesterday that will export orders that still have the status Confirmed by shopper instead of Received in System (It will have this status when it is accepted by the program). That works, however, if someone orders in the morning and his order gets rejected, it will take till midnight until the 2nd template will re-export this order for a 2nd attempt. Meaning, this order will not be send out on the same day.

Now if one could choose something like Before XX minutes or Older than XX hours, this would solve that.

So in short, there is no way to select something on the same day at the moment, without running the risk of exporting duplicates.

p.s. In an ideal World, the program importing the orders would ignore double orders based on the order number.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hello Roderic,

But I assume the reason it is not there atm, is because all the options that are available now, are based on days instead of hours.
Not all options are in days. The Since last run can be anything as it depends on your cron settings. If you set to run this template in cron every hour, the export will have a timespan of the last hour. If you set the cron job to run every 5 minutes, the timespan of the export will be 5 minutes.

So you can actually control the timespan by setting the recurrence in the cronjob.

The rules have no effect on this, you would need a template override if you really want some other options in the dropdown to work. To add the options to the dropdown would then be a core hack.

Like I said, you can control the timespan by setting a certain time in your cronjob.

Does that help?
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
  3. # 2
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