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  1. gnsbud
  2. RO CSVI
  3. Saturday, 21 March 2015
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J 3.4
CSVI Pro 6 beta 3

another issue, this time while exporting custom xml, only one field (product_sku):

Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in /administrator/components/com_csvi/helper/file/export/xml/custom.php on line 40

am I doing something wrong or it's a bug?

What's more if XML Layout tab has header filled up an you'll change export type from XML back to CSV then you'll get XML header at the top of your CSV file. Also the same export template (changed from XML to CSV) is throwing sometimes:

Fatal error: Class 'CsviHelperFileExportCsvBeslist' not found in /administrator/components/com_csvi/models/exports.php on line 174

Best regards,
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hello Chris,

You found a bug :( with both Fatal errors, so I will have to dive into that. Thank you, thank you :)
Kind regards,


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