Hi RolandD
CSVI Pro 5.2 in Joomla 3.3.6 (Virtuemart 3.0.2) PHP 5.4.32.
I made my template for export VM orders. Now i like to have in my CSV File the custom files. How i do it?
I have add the product_attribute field; now i have this warning in the CSV File:
<b>Warning</b>: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <b>../../../administrator/components/com_csvi/models/com_virtuemart/export/orderexport.php</b> on line <b>597</b><br />
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The product_attribute is the correct field. Have a look at the patch I posted. Apply this patch to your system and if it doesn't work, post a screenshot of how your product_attribute looks like in the database.
The product_attribute is the correct field. Have a look at the patch I posted. Apply this patch to your system and if it doesn't work, post a screenshot of how your product_attribute looks like in the database.
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If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
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ok i have tried:
here the Warning in the CSV:
<b>Warning</b>: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <b>/../../../administrator/components/com_csvi/models/com_virtuemart/export/orderexport.php</b> on line <b>607</b><br />
here the Warning in the CSV:
<b>Warning</b>: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <b>/../../../administrator/components/com_csvi/models/com_virtuemart/export/orderexport.php</b> on line <b>607</b><br />
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Not a screenshot of the error, but a screenshot of your database with the product_attribute field, so we can check how your data is stored.
Not a screenshot of the error, but a screenshot of your database with the product_attribute field, so we can check how your data is stored.
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That does not show the content of the product_attribute field. On that page, click on Anzeigen and find the column product_attribute and make a screenshot of that. So we can see what is actually in that field.
That does not show the content of the product_attribute field. On that page, click on Anzeigen and find the column product_attribute and make a screenshot of that. So we can see what is actually in that field.
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...mmmm i just found the colum costomfield_value in the tabel jos_virtuemart_product_customfields.
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That is another field, not used by the order export. Any custom options are stored in the product_attribute field when the customer places the order.
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..so is it not possible to export the option from the order?
ok i found the tabel: jos_virtuemart_order_items
ok i found the tabel: jos_virtuemart_order_items
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..so is it not possible to export the option from the order?I can't answer that because I still have not seen a screenshot from your database showing me the product_attribute field. If you can post here the exact value that is in that field, then I can give you an answer.
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That screenshot says a lot, there are product_attribute entries that are essentially empty. It only has the [] value in it. Attached is a patch you can load and see if the order export runs without error.
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Well that is a step forward, that it no longer errors out. Can you post your debug log so I can see what happened during the export?
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mmm ok i have the "Joomla!-Debug-Konsole" after i have klicked on Process to export my csv, i get a lot of information in the "Datenbankabfrage" how can i post it for you?
in the exported csv, i get this warning:
<b>Warning</b>: mysqli_result::fetch_object(): Couldn't fetch mysqli_result in <b>/../../../administrator/components/com_csvi/helpers/csvidb.php</b> on line <b>32</b><br />
in the exported csv, i get this warning:
<b>Warning</b>: mysqli_result::fetch_object(): Couldn't fetch mysqli_result in <b>/../../../administrator/components/com_csvi/helpers/csvidb.php</b> on line <b>32</b><br />
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Not the Joomla Debug but the CSVI debug log as explained at the top under
Not the Joomla Debug but the CSVI debug log as explained at the top under
Where to get the debug information?. This is a zipfile you can download from the Log details.
A tutorial (http://www.csvimproved.com/frequently-asked-questions/390-how-to-collect-debug-information) has been written to help you collect your debug information.
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I set the Collect debug information to "YES": After the Import or Export, click on Show Panel. But where is the "Show Panel" to download the zip file in Joomla 3?
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But where is the "Show Panel" to download the zip file in Joomla 3?Go to Logs and open the details of your last export. There is a Download log link. Do you see that?
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If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
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in my export csv Field name "product_price_total" is the cent Price not die Euro? 10880 instead of 108.80!
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"product_price_total" is the cent Price not die Euro? 10880 instead of 108.80!
That is because you haven't set any price decimals in the template.
As for the empty field, that product_attribute is a crazy field !! Attached is a patch that will deal with your export. You can load this patch file and you should be good to go.
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Kind regards,
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