I am using CSVI to update a whole bunch of article that have been migrated from a non-Joomla site.
Any chance that the joomla content date fields - created | published can be added please?
sorry this should be in 2.5 / 3 forum
- JoomlaNZ
- Monday, 13 May 2013
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The date fields are already there, created is created and the format for that field is Y-m-d H:i:S. You can also just use Y-m-d (Year-Month-Date). There is also the publish_up and publish_down fields to specify on which date/time the article should be shown or not. The value for this field is the same as the created field.
The published field is called state for Joomla content and can be 0 (unpublished), 1 (published),2 (archived) or -2 (trashed).
Topic moved

The date fields are already there, created is created and the format for that field is Y-m-d H:i:S. You can also just use Y-m-d (Year-Month-Date). There is also the publish_up and publish_down fields to specify on which date/time the article should be shown or not. The value for this field is the same as the created field.
The published field is called state for Joomla content and can be 0 (unpublished), 1 (published),2 (archived) or -2 (trashed).
Kind regards,
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If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
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I am using Joomla 3
So if I go into available fields and filter on Export | Joomla Content | Content Export
then I should see 'created' as being an available field?
I only see article_url, category_path and custom
Or do I add a custom field - if so how?
So if I go into available fields and filter on Export | Joomla Content | Content Export
then I should see 'created' as being an available field?
I only see article_url, category_path and custom
Or do I add a custom field - if so how?
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Topic moved again, now to the new Joomla 3 section
Topic moved again, now to the new Joomla 3 section

then I should see 'created' as being an available field?Correct.
Or do I add a custom field - if so how?This indicates that the available fields have not been updated. If you go to CSVI Pro -> Available Fields and click on Update it will run the updater and you should see the fields after that.
Kind regards,
If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
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Ok - then I have a problem
I don't have VM installed on the site and when I run update I get
An error has occurred.
0 SQL=/* Custom fields */ INSERT IGNORE INTO `jvcw_csvi_available_fields` (csvi_name, component_name, component_table, component) (SELECT TRIM(custom_title), TRIM(custom_title), 'productimport', 'com_virtuemart' FROM `jvcw_virtuemart_customs` WHERE field_type IN ('S', 'I', 'B', 'D', 'T', 'M') );
I don't have VM installed on the site and when I run update I get
An error has occurred.
0 SQL=/* Custom fields */ INSERT IGNORE INTO `jvcw_csvi_available_fields` (csvi_name, component_name, component_table, component) (SELECT TRIM(custom_title), TRIM(custom_title), 'productimport', 'com_virtuemart' FROM `jvcw_virtuemart_customs` WHERE field_type IN ('S', 'I', 'B', 'D', 'T', 'M') );
Accepted Answer
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If you are running CSVI Pro 5.9.6, this was fixed by checking if the component is installed if I am not mistaken. Which version are you running?
In any case you can delete the files com_virtuemart.sql and com_akeebasubs.sql from the folder administrator\components\com_csvi\install\availablefields\ and you can run the update.
In any case you can delete the files com_virtuemart.sql and com_akeebasubs.sql from the folder administrator\components\com_csvi\install\availablefields\ and you can run the update.
Kind regards,
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If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
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