1. ckrzysieck
  2. RO CSVI
  3. Monday, 22 June 2015
  4.  Subscribe via email

I want to move all the orders and customers from the old database (Joomla 2.5.27 - V 2.0.26d) to the new (J 3.4.1 - V 3.0.9) / CSV Improved Pro 5.21.2
I think the old store base (V 2.0.26d) upgraded to the new VirtueMart (3.0.9) and then start exports. Maybe it will benefit the entire process.

I know that for contracts necessary to export / import these fields - http://www.csvimproved.com/en/support/import/203-virtuemart/943-import-virtuemart-2-orders

  • order_number

  • email

  • user_currency

  • payment_element

  • shipment_element

  • order_total

  • order_subtotal

  • order_tax

  • order_status_name

I do not know what it's like for clients. I would like them to export and import, so that they can log on to your old logins and check your order history.
I would like to transfer all the datas of customers in this field.
In addition to the standard fields, added field NIP (tax ID).
I understand that you should not use any fields that contain ID.
I understand that for order items do not need to have the same product ID in the old and new base, enough to be the same SKU. The same goes for information about shipping and payment, just the same name?

Please help with this process, because it's difficult.
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

I want to move all the orders and customers from the old database
Consider it a migration, it is not an easy task ;)

I do not know what it's like for clients.
See the Import VirtueMart 2 users tutorial.

You will also need to check the Import VirtueMart 2 order items tutorial for moving over the order items.

The issue with CSVI 5 is that you cannot use the order_id for import to keep the same order ID, if you want to keep the same order ID I advise you to use CSVI 6, as this has the option to allow the order_id field.
Kind regards,


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