1. pendragon79
  2. RO CSVI
  3. Thursday, 21 May 2015
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I´m trying to export custom fields (title) and values from my test site. Unfortunately the order in export file in title and value is different. So there is no correct matching between the fields.
In the database the data is ok.
Do you have an idea?
The csv is only one article (part from the export) but the wrong data is everywhere.
Best regards
PS: Joomla 3.4.1, virtuemart 3.0.8, csvi 5.21.2
link to the article (csv): http://test.lindauer.org/index.php/einrichtung/werkstatt-und-lager/werkzeugschrank-mit-fluegeltueren-innen-4-boeden-h1950xb930xt400mm-detail
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

Unfortunately the order in export file in title and value is different.
I see that but don't understand why that would happen. Could you prepare an Akeeba backup of the site for me so I can check what is going on?

Now something else I would like to say is, it seems that your fields are all String/Text fields? If that is correct, you can export/import these fields are regular fields. You can do that by going to Available Fields and click Update. CSVI will read the custom fields. After that you can use them in your import/export templates. This will make it easier to read the fields as well in your file.
Kind regards,


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