Beste Roland,
Ik loop tegen het volgende probleem aan. Als ik een export van Hikashop doe, wordt alles goed geexporterd, behalve als een cursist dezelfde cursus nog een keer in een latere bestelling doet..............
Dit veld wordt dan maar 1 keer weergegeven.
Ik heb alles nagekeken maar kan de oplossing niet vinden.
Alvast bedankt voor je hulp.
Vriendelijke groet,
Anita Hoetmer
- Katari
- Monday, 29 August 2022
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Hello Anita,
Please add order_product_id to Group by field and check the export. See if that fixes the duplicate rows in export.
but............................... you also can see that some courses are double(orange)
I really don't understand it. But it is a problem..................
Please add order_product_id to Group by field and check the export. See if that fixes the duplicate rows in export.
Kind regards,
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If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
- more than a month ago
- # Permalink
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Hello Anita,
Please write your issues in English as that is the primary language used in forum and in future it helps users to read and understand the problem and solution
I am guessing you are running HikaShop Order export and you are having trouble in exporting orders for a user with multiple orders. Is that correct? If not please explain with an example on the problem you are having. Post the export debug log and also export file to check. To get the debug log see How to collect debug information? document.
Please write your issues in English as that is the primary language used in forum and in future it helps users to read and understand the problem and solution

I am guessing you are running HikaShop Order export and you are having trouble in exporting orders for a user with multiple orders. Is that correct? If not please explain with an example on the problem you are having. Post the export debug log and also export file to check. To get the debug log see How to collect debug information? document.
Kind regards,
If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
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OK, I'll try.,
I have created two templates: Voorraad (Stock) and Details .
All orders are registered in "Stock", but if a second order from the same person, and with the same product in it, this product is not displayed in the details/. And then the data is wrong.
For example: I order a yoga course on Monday. Tuesday I want to order a few more courses and also an extra yoga. In "Stock the yoga is administered twice, but not in details; there is only one Yoga course.
I have created two templates: Voorraad (Stock) and Details .
All orders are registered in "Stock", but if a second order from the same person, and with the same product in it, this product is not displayed in the details/. And then the data is wrong.
For example: I order a yoga course on Monday. Tuesday I want to order a few more courses and also an extra yoga. In "Stock the yoga is administered twice, but not in details; there is only one Yoga course.
Accepted Answer
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Hello Anita,
I understand that with Stock export template you are seeing user course twice which is correct but with Details export you are seeing it only once. Can you also please export debug log as requested in my previous reply?
I understand that with Stock export template you are seeing user course twice which is correct but with Details export you are seeing it only once. Can you also please export debug log as requested in my previous reply?
Kind regards,
If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
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Hello Tharuna,
In the Stock export, the Stock "Voorraad"is correct, there are no user details.
In the Details: there is only one rule, while there was another order from the same person with the same course.
There is no debuglog.
I send you a sheet, where you can see that the exportfile of the Stock gives 244 and the details 240. So I checked manually and I found out that there were 4 orders from 4 people who ordered a course they already had. Bur they want to order this course again.
I hope you'll understand.
Thanx in advance,
In the Stock export, the Stock "Voorraad"is correct, there are no user details.
In the Details: there is only one rule, while there was another order from the same person with the same course.
There is no debuglog.
I send you a sheet, where you can see that the exportfile of the Stock gives 244 and the details 240. So I checked manually and I found out that there were 4 orders from 4 people who ordered a course they already had. Bur they want to order this course again.
I hope you'll understand.
Thanx in advance,
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Accepted Answer
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Hello Anita,
Thank you for sending the requested debug log. In your Order export template you have fields set for Group fields on Fields tab. Please remove those fields, save the template and run the export and check.
Thank you for sending the requested debug log. In your Order export template you have fields set for Group fields on Fields tab. Please remove those fields, save the template and run the export and check.
Kind regards,
If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
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I did............. but now its completely ridicule.
I send you the log and I send you the details file.
The first problem is resolved: the people who ordered two orders with the same course are mentioned (i made it green), but............................... you also can see that some courses are double
I really don't understand it. But it is a problem..................
I send you the log and I send you the details file.
The first problem is resolved: the people who ordered two orders with the same course are mentioned (i made it green), but............................... you also can see that some courses are double

I really don't understand it. But it is a problem..................
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