1. Navcar
  2. RO CSVI
  3. Wednesday, 08 April 2015
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I been importing some products to VirtueMart
sometimes i get an error like this

Duplicate entry 'bj-9363-buje-barra-estabilizadora-delantera-toyota-hilux-vigo-05' for key 'slug' SQL=INSERT INTO nbuzy_virtuemart_products_es_es (`virtuemart_product_id`, `slug`) VALUES ('5359', 'bj-9363-buje-barra-estabilizadora-delantera-toyota-hilux-vigo-05-08---prado---4-runner-4-puertas---prado-2-puertas---tacoma---barra-estabilizadora-trasera-toyota-4-runner---burbuja---hiace---tacoma---land-cruiser-hzj75-96-barra-estabilizadora-hyundai-h100-tucson-1990')

in some cases i just split the file in that point and prosses a new file with less products.

but in this case, i cant import even one product, {cos i get the error. what could be the problem?

I think coul be the lenght of the product_desc, but how can i fixit?

thanks for your help
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

I think coul be the lenght of the product_desc, but how can i fixit?
It isn't the length of the product description but the length of the slug, which is the product name.

The slug is a required field and if you do not specify it, a slug will be created from the product name. Now your product names are not unique enough in the first part of their names. The slug is also used for your SEF URLs, so you will be getting some crazy long URLs ;)

The easiest way to fix this is to add the slug field to your CSV file and create your own slugs. Each slug must be unique and no longer than 65 characters ideally.
Kind regards,


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