After we managed to connect our Google sheet with RO CSVI (which is just great!), we struggle a bit with finding the best configuration for our needs.
We need to achieve the following changes on every import (which we will launch with a cronjob)
1. create articles that doesn't exist in Joomla! yet
2. update articles that already exist in Joomla!
3. delete (deactivate) articles which aren't existing in the source anymore
We need this for all articles only in the following categories and their sub-categories
Is this even possible «out of the box» or do we need customization (and would you offer it)?
I'm aware of the fact you may have answered these questions before and I'm ready to read through the documentation, of course. But if you please just could give me a general direction and maybe a link to the according infos?
thank you so much.
Anonymous User
- Tuesday, 18 June 2024
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