1. DeXeS
  2. RO CSVI
  3. Saturday, 17 February 2024
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I discovered the following problem.

If I do an upload for virtuemart and the product_sku has been adjusted, this results in the item losing its manufacturer, its category and all of its images that were assigned after the upload. what could be the reason?

I'm using the latest version of rocsvi

best regards
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hello Ted,
yes, I change the product_sku from, for example, product 1234 to product 1234A. This will cause the item to lose manufacturer, category and images.

Import is not losing any data but it must be creating a new product with product_sku 1234A with empty manufacturer, category and images. You should still have product with SKU 1234 with all data intact.

In column a of export and import there is always the corresponding virtuemart_product_id.

You have virtuemart_product_id field in import file but you have set Import based on field to product_sku in template. In Import template settings on Options tab change Import based on field to virtuemart_product_id like in attached screenshot and run the import. That should update the existing product.

p.s. I also used the Maintenance options in RO CSVI to remove the database tables and then uninstalled and reinstalled ro csvi + virtuemart plugin. still the problem

It is a change in template settings so no need for uninstalling and installing of RO CSVI :)
Attachments (1)
Kind regards,


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  2. RO CSVI
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