Joomla 3.4.0
We are trying to import data in virtuemart but we are getting the error of the 1rst picture. Analyzing the csv shows the data is correct. I don't have "Auto detect delimiters" and "Use headers/nodes as configuration". Log is not produced to debug it. Any ideas on where the problem is?
Accepted Answer
Pending Moderation
Well, I have been busy all afternoon trying to track it down and found that the error already occurs before you get to CSVI. So I uninstalled everything but CSVI and VirtueMart. The problem still occured. So I updated Joomla to 3.4.1, tried again and still. Compared the Joomla files to my test install that is also Joomla 3.4.1 but no differences there. So I eventually ended up updating VirtueMart to the latest version 3.0.8. After that, the problem was gone. This was 5 minutes ago :P
So the advice is to update VirtueMart to version 3.0.8, which is also a security release so it will be good to update.
So the advice is to update VirtueMart to version 3.0.8, which is also a security release so it will be good to update.
Kind regards,
If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
Accepted Answer
Pending Moderation
The only thing the debug log tells me is that the process did stop on reading the CSV file. Since I can't reproduce it with the same setting, I want to ask if you can make an Akeeba backup of the site available for testing? I will check if I can reproduce it with the copy of your site.
Kind regards,
If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
Accepted Answer
Pending Moderation
#<?php die('Forbidden.'); ?>
#Date: 2015-05-02 09:32:27 UTC
#Software: Joomla Platform 13.1.0 Stable [ Curiosity ] 24-Apr-2013 00:00 GMT
#Fields: date time line_nr action comment
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Importing filetype: csv
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Load config fields
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: product_sku
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: product_name
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: manufacturer_name
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: product_price
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: related_products
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: category_path
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: product_parent_sku
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: published
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: product_in_stock
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Use database for configuration
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] CSVI Pro Version: 5.21.2
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] PHP version: 5.5.22
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] action: import
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] component: com_virtuemart
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] operation: productimport
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] source: fromupload
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Load from computer: product_export (9).csv
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] local_csv_file:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] urlfile:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] ftphost:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] ftpport:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] ftproot:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] ftpfile:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] auto_detect_delimiters: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] field_delimiter: comma
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] text_enclosure: "
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] use_file_extension:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] im_mac: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] use_column_headers: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] add_extra_fields: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] skip_first_line: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] overwrite_existing_data: Yes
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] ignore_non_exist: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] skip_default_value: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] collect_debug_info: Yes
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] xml_record_name:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] language: el-GR
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] category_separator: /
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] append_categories: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] update_based_on: product_sku
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] mpn_column_name:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] unpublish_before_import: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] recreate_alias: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] update_stockable_parent: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] use_icecat: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] similar_sku: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] process_image: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] delete_product_images: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] auto_generate_image_name: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] type_generate_image_name: product_sku
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] autogenerateext: jpg
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] change_case: none
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] autofill: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] keep_original: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] convert_type: none
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] save_images_on_server: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] redownload_external_image: Yes
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] full_resize: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] full_width:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] full_height:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] full_watermark: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] full_watermark_right:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] full_watermark_bottom:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] full_watermark_image:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] thumb_check_filetype: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] thumb_create: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] thumb_extension: none
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] thumb_width: 90
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] thumb_height: 90
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] resize_max_width: 1024
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] resize_max_height: 768
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] file_location_product_files:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] use_system_limits: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] max_execution_time:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] memory_limit:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] post_max_size:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] upload_max_filesize:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] template_name: Example VirtueMart Product import
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] id: 13
#<?php die('Forbidden.'); ?>
#Date: 2015-05-02 09:32:27 UTC
#Software: Joomla Platform 13.1.0 Stable [ Curiosity ] 24-Apr-2013 00:00 GMT
#Fields: date time line_nr action comment
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Importing filetype: csv
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Load config fields
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: product_sku
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: product_name
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: manufacturer_name
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: product_price
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: related_products
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: category_path
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: product_parent_sku
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: published
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: product_in_stock
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Use database for configuration
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] CSVI Pro Version: 5.21.2
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] PHP version: 5.5.22
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] action: import
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] component: com_virtuemart
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] operation: productimport
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] source: fromupload
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Load from computer: product_export (9).csv
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] local_csv_file:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] urlfile:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] ftphost:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] ftpport:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] ftproot:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] ftpfile:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] auto_detect_delimiters: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] field_delimiter: comma
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] text_enclosure: "
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] use_file_extension:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] im_mac: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] use_column_headers: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] add_extra_fields: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] skip_first_line: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] overwrite_existing_data: Yes
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] ignore_non_exist: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] skip_default_value: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] collect_debug_info: Yes
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] xml_record_name:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] language: el-GR
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] category_separator: /
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] append_categories: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] update_based_on: product_sku
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] mpn_column_name:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] unpublish_before_import: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] recreate_alias: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] update_stockable_parent: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] use_icecat: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] similar_sku: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] process_image: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] delete_product_images: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] auto_generate_image_name: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] type_generate_image_name: product_sku
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] autogenerateext: jpg
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] change_case: none
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] autofill: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] keep_original: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] convert_type: none
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] save_images_on_server: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] redownload_external_image: Yes
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] full_resize: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] full_width:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] full_height:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] full_watermark: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] full_watermark_right:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] full_watermark_bottom:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] full_watermark_image:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] thumb_check_filetype: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] thumb_create: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] thumb_extension: none
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] thumb_width: 90
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] thumb_height: 90
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] resize_max_width: 1024
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] resize_max_height: 768
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] file_location_product_files:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] use_system_limits: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] max_execution_time:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] memory_limit:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] post_max_size:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] upload_max_filesize:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] template_name: Example VirtueMart Product import
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] id: 13
Accepted Answer
Pending Moderation
The debug log is not attached, please zip the file before uploading it.
Which PHP version are you running?
The debug log is not attached, please zip the file before uploading it.
I even reinstalled the module and it still gives me the same error.What happens is that something is triggered that breaks your session. This causes Joomla to think you are logged out. What that something is, is the big question.
Which PHP version are you running?
Kind regards,
If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
Accepted Answer
Pending Moderation
Yes it was the same CSV. I even reinstalled the module and it still gives me the same error. I'm attaching the error log file hope it helps.
#<?php die('Forbidden.'); ?>
#Date: 2015-05-02 09:32:27 UTC
#Software: Joomla Platform 13.1.0 Stable [ Curiosity ] 24-Apr-2013 00:00 GMT
#Fields: date time line_nr action comment
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Importing filetype: csv
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Load config fields
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: product_sku
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: product_name
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: manufacturer_name
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: product_price
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: related_products
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: category_path
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: product_parent_sku
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: published
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: product_in_stock
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Use database for configuration
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] CSVI Pro Version: 5.21.2
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] PHP version: 5.5.22
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] action: import
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] component: com_virtuemart
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] operation: productimport
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] source: fromupload
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Load from computer: product_export (9).csv
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] local_csv_file:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] urlfile:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] ftphost:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] ftpport:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] ftproot:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] ftpfile:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] auto_detect_delimiters: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] field_delimiter: comma
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] text_enclosure: "
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] use_file_extension:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] im_mac: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] use_column_headers: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] add_extra_fields: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] skip_first_line: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] overwrite_existing_data: Yes
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] ignore_non_exist: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] skip_default_value: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] collect_debug_info: Yes
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] xml_record_name:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] language: el-GR
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] category_separator: /
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] append_categories: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] update_based_on: product_sku
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] mpn_column_name:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] unpublish_before_import: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] recreate_alias: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] update_stockable_parent: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] use_icecat: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] similar_sku: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] process_image: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] delete_product_images: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] auto_generate_image_name: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] type_generate_image_name: product_sku
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] autogenerateext: jpg
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] change_case: none
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] autofill: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] keep_original: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] convert_type: none
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] save_images_on_server: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] redownload_external_image: Yes
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] full_resize: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] full_width:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] full_height:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] full_watermark: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] full_watermark_right:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] full_watermark_bottom:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] full_watermark_image:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] thumb_check_filetype: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] thumb_create: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] thumb_extension: none
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] thumb_width: 90
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] thumb_height: 90
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] resize_max_width: 1024
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] resize_max_height: 768
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] file_location_product_files:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] use_system_limits: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] max_execution_time:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] memory_limit:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] post_max_size:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] upload_max_filesize:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] template_name: Example VirtueMart Product import
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] id: 13
#<?php die('Forbidden.'); ?>
#Date: 2015-05-02 09:32:27 UTC
#Software: Joomla Platform 13.1.0 Stable [ Curiosity ] 24-Apr-2013 00:00 GMT
#Fields: date time line_nr action comment
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Importing filetype: csv
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Load config fields
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: product_sku
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: product_name
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: manufacturer_name
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: product_price
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: related_products
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: category_path
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: product_parent_sku
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: published
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Field name: product_in_stock
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Use database for configuration
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] CSVI Pro Version: 5.21.2
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] PHP version: 5.5.22
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] action: import
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] component: com_virtuemart
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] operation: productimport
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] source: fromupload
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] Load from computer: product_export (9).csv
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] local_csv_file:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] urlfile:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] ftphost:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] ftpport:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] ftproot:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] ftpfile:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] auto_detect_delimiters: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] field_delimiter: comma
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] text_enclosure: "
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] use_file_extension:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] im_mac: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] use_column_headers: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] add_extra_fields: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] skip_first_line: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] overwrite_existing_data: Yes
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] ignore_non_exist: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] skip_default_value: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] collect_debug_info: Yes
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] xml_record_name:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] language: el-GR
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] category_separator: /
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] append_categories: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] update_based_on: product_sku
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] mpn_column_name:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] unpublish_before_import: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] recreate_alias: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] update_stockable_parent: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] use_icecat: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] similar_sku: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] process_image: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] delete_product_images: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] auto_generate_image_name: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] type_generate_image_name: product_sku
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] autogenerateext: jpg
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] change_case: none
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] autofill: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] keep_original: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] convert_type: none
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] save_images_on_server: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] redownload_external_image: Yes
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] full_resize: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] full_width:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] full_height:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] full_watermark: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] full_watermark_right:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] full_watermark_bottom:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] full_watermark_image:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] thumb_check_filetype: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] thumb_create: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] thumb_extension: none
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] thumb_width: 90
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] thumb_height: 90
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] resize_max_width: 1024
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] resize_max_height: 768
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] file_location_product_files:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] use_system_limits: No
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] max_execution_time:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] memory_limit:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] post_max_size:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] upload_max_filesize:
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] template_name: Example VirtueMart Product import
2015-05-02 09:32:27 0 [DEBUG] id: 13
Accepted Answer
Pending Moderation
So I checked the file now, and it has no BOM indeed. The file even imports without modification here and the product is created. So the question becomes, why are you logged out. Is the file product_export9.csv the same file you imported when you saw the error screen?
One thing to check is if you have a plugin installed called vmVendor, this plugin must be disabled.
One thing to check is if you have a plugin installed called vmVendor, this plugin must be disabled.
Kind regards,
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If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
Accepted Answer
Pending Moderation
I have attached the file itself so that you can see for your self that there is no BOM in it. I used notepad++ to inspeact for DOM in the file and there was none as far as these programs say.
Attachments (1)
Accepted Answer
Pending Moderation
You have a BOM. This question has been asked many times before
This is why there is an article about it called Logged out on import. If you follow that, you should be good to go. Since the auto-detect delimiters is set to No, you will have to save the file without the BOM. Without the actual file, I can't comment on what is in the file specifically.

Log is not produced to debug it.The log is created but since the import dies, you don't get a link to it. The log can be found in tmp/com_csvi/debug.
Kind regards,
If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
If you use our extensions, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extension Directory
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