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  2. Pre-sale questions
  3. Monday, 03 February 2025
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I would like to create xml export template for agregator zbozi.cz. But unfortunatelly I can't figure out how to properly set the Website item in the file tab. Is it possible to create a new definition, in addition to the ones offered? or do I have to use Custom? But how to set the XML Layout (Header, Body, Footer)? Can you please advise me. The goal is for the resulting XML to look like this example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- kódování zadejte dle použitého typu ("utf-8", "windows-1250" ...). Doporučené a výchozí je utf-8 -->
<SHOP xmlns="http://www.zbozi.cz/ns/offer/1.0">
<PRODUCTNAME>Solartent MC234CZ/A premium Beige</PRODUCTNAME>
<PRODUCT>Stínítko z laminátových prutů Solartent MC234CZ/A premium Berige </PRODUCT>
<DESCRIPTION>Velmi praktické stínítko s lehkou konstrukcí z laminátových prutů.</DESCRIPTION>
<CATEGORYTEXT>Dům, byt a zahrada | Zahrada | Stínící technika | Zahradní slunečníky</CATEGORYTEXT>
<FREE_GIFT_TEXT>Powerbanka ADATA s kapacitou 12500 mAh</FREE_GIFT_TEXT>
<!-- popis druhé nabídky... -->
<!-- ... -->
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
You should have an active subscription to get support on issues. Read through Process XML document under Custom XML section to setup XML for export.

Is it possible to create a new definition, in addition to the ones offered? or do I have to use Custom?

Not sure what you mean by new definition but yes you can use custom template field for additional default values you want to add in export.
Kind regards,


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