1. Anonymous User(Chris)
  2. Pre-sale questions
  3. Tuesday, 17 September 2024
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Hi there, I'm a newbie in using your RO Payments plugin, but experienced with similar plugins for Wordpress. And what I can't find in your product is a refund option. In WP I'm using a booking plugin that is integrated with Mollie, and I have the option to refund a customer (after succesful payment obviously)

Does your product have this option, specifically for the Mollie integration?

Kind regards,
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hello Chris,

You will not find a refund option in the current version because there is none. At the moment I am fully rewriting the extension to be native Joomla 5 and the plan is to improve the Mollie integration. The reason it is not there now is that Mollie came after a number of other payment providers were already added years before and Mollie was only implemented to have the same functionality as the existing payment providers.

As time progressed, Mollie grew bigger and bigger with more and more functions. We have only added the recurring option since then but nothing more. Now the time has come to change that, that can come with the rewrite.

Next question of course is when it will be ready :D The new release is planned for Q4 of 2024. Any new features will come in 2025 if they do not make it into the initial release.

A refund can be done from within Mollie for now.

let me know if you have anymore questions.
Kind regards,


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