Joomla stores these parameters as JSON objects in database columns.
Is it possible to extract such parameter values into a CSV file?
Would it need a plugin written to support this?
The JSON parameter data which particularly caught my eye is shown below (related to Hikashop).
If using RO CSVI to export Hikashop order information - could this JSON data be linked to the order status information to provide a StatusGroup column in the CSV?
Or is it better to convert to using an orderstatusgroup table instead and link to that?
{"statusgroups":{"statusgroups0":{"groupname":"Abandoned","groupstatii":["2","1","6"],"groupenabled":1},"statusgroups1":{"groupname":"Complete","groupstatii":["16","9","3","4"],"groupenabled":1},"statusgroups2":{"groupname":"Current","groupstatii":["5","12","13","17","7","8"],"groupenabled":1},"statusgroups3":{"groupname":"New","groupstatii":["15","10","18","11","14"],"groupenabled":1} },"updateto":{"updateto0":{"updatetobtn":"Update Selected to Awaiting Picking","updatetostatus":"5","updatetoemail":0,"updatetoenabled":1}}}