1. Anonymous User(Rizaldy)
  2. Pre-sale questions
  3. Monday, 30 May 2022
  4.  Subscribe via email
Hi, I've just uploaded my first feed on google merchant having this error. After uploading the XML file on google merchant, it seems that it was disapproved.
I've attached the following screesnhots for you reference:

Here's the error after the file was uploaded on Google Merchant: Titlehttps://prnt.sc/xYMoO1UnXHWS
And here's my VirtueMart Google Merchant settings: Titlehttps://prnt.sc/5Ue-Np8Zkppn

Can you help us figure out and fix the issue please?

Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

This is the pre-sale section for asking questions about our products and is not for support. Since you do not have a subscription with us, you are not eligible for support.

All I can say is check the errors provided by Google and check their documentation on the requirements.
Kind regards,


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