
PhocaCart Discount export

| PhocaCart

This tutorial explains how to create a PhocaCart Discount export template, add the fields and how to run the export. Step by step we show you how to perform each task. A video will show you the steps in action so you can follow that as well.

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PhocaCart Customer export

| PhocaCart

This tutorial explains how to create a PhocaCart Customer export template, add the fields and how to run the export. Step by step we show you how to perform each task. A video will show you the steps in action so you can follow that as well.

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PhocaCart Coupon export

| PhocaCart

This tutorial explains how to create a PhocaCart Coupon export template, add the fields and how to run the export. Step by step we show you how to perform each task. A video will show you the steps in action so you can follow that as well.

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PhocaCart Product import

| PhocaCart

This tutorial explains how to create a PhocaCart Product import template, add the fields and how to run the import. Step by step we show you how to perform each task.

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PhocaCart Category export

| PhocaCart

This tutorial explains how to create a PhocaCart Category export template, add the fields and how to run the export. Step by step we show you how to perform each task. A video will show you the steps in action so you can follow that as well.

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