1. atrus
  2. RO CSVI
  3. Friday, 22 November 2024
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Hello all!

Getting this error when trying to run many of my templates:

"Undefined constant GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface::VERSION"

They were working before, using latest CVSI and Virtuemart 4.4.0.

Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hello Chris,
Thank you for the log file. I found something in the log file you sent. Starting RO CSVI 8.12.0 version we include Google library as part of RO CSVI Installation which means users don't need to install Google library using composer. Now looking at the backtrace file I see old Google library files are used. Say for example /home/qttest/public_html/administrator/components/com_csvi/assets/google/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Google/Client.php:1129. This file does not exists in new Google library. I am thinking these old library files are creating errors. Please remove or rename google folder at /home/qttest/public_html/administrator/components/com_csvi/assets/google and then reinstall RO CSVI 8.12.1 version. See if that solves your errors.
Kind regards,


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  2. RO CSVI
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