1. czombos
  2. RO CSVI
  3. Wednesday, 19 June 2024
  4.  Subscribe via email
Hi Everyone,

As the title says, when trying to do a category update, it creates new categories with XLS and does nothing with CSV,
even though I have included the category ID in the spreadsheet.


Joomla 4.3.4
VirtueMart 4.2.4 10922
RO CSVI 8.11.2

Attached are the log files and the import files

Please let me know what could be the issue.

Attachments (4)
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
There is a problem in the import file you are using. You are using virtuemart_category_id with category_path say for example Valore/Valore Abisso, this category_path as two categories a parent category Valore and the child category Valore Abisso. The virtuemart_category_id in the import file is for child category but there is no virtuemart_category_id for parent category Valore. That is causing conflicts in database IDs which is affecting update of category_description. Two ways to solve this, remove virtuemart_category_id field so RO CSVI uses category_path field and creates new category IDs based on database IDs for both parent and child categories or create a row for parent category Valore in import file with an ID so the CSV content will look like below.

6961,Valore Abisso,Valore/Valore Abisso,"<p>Klasszikus stílus, fürdőszobai,  fényes felület, különleges dekorelemek, 29,8 × 74,8 cm-es méret.  Azok számára, akik olyan helyiséget szeretnének, mely tele van &eacu",abisso.jpg,Valore Abisso,Valore Abisso,Valore Abisso,1

Also for the images, do you have images saved in path images/virtuemart/category/? That is the path used in import.
Kind regards,


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  1. more than a month ago
  2. RO CSVI
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