1. pulsarinformatique
  2. Pre-sale questions
  3. Wednesday, 23 September 2020
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We are looking for a Joomla component that will import custom CSV file into articles WITH CUSTOM FIELDS

Do you provide such a tool please?


Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hello Cyril,
I don't know "Text enclosure or Field Delimiters" sorry. What do you mean please ?

Text enclosure in CSV field is to define where the field starts and where it ends. The default enclosure in CSV file is double quotes( " ). Field Delimiters in CSV file is the separator between each field, default is comma(,).

I believed your importer needs a separator. I can use "&" for instance. But how do you detect which separator I use please

Yes RO CSVI import needs a separator, you can define own separator in import file. RO CSVI has a setting in import template where you can set the separator you use in file. RO CSVI then uses this separator set in the import template for import.

You did not answer my question on why you are not using standard delimiters and enclosure in import file?
Kind regards,


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