
Whitelist users

| Features

RO Users has the option to whitelist users, which prevents these users from ever being deleted by RO Users. Users can be whitelisted based on usergroup and/or emailaddress.

Multiple usergroups can be selected to be excluded, as can multiple email addresses. Enter one email address per line.

Whitelist users

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Bounce email support

| Features

RO Users makes use of bounce emails to determine if email addresses are actually in use. You can configure how RO Users should connect to the mailbox to be able to process the emails in the mailbox.

Emails that bounce generally means that the emailaddress is no longer in use, RO Users makes use of this fact by immediately deleting the user and not trying to send anymore mails to the user.

Mailbox settings

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| Features

RO Users can log every step it takes so you can investigate any possible issues or see what has happened. Where these messages appear is up to you. Since RO Users genereally runs as a cron job and not activated by a user, it can be useful to output the logging to a file instead. The logfile will be created in the Joomla logs folder where you can review the steps if needed.

Logging settings

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Replace non-existing users

| Features

On a site where users are deleted but linked to articles or categories you will see a warning pop-up when someone tries to acces that article or category and the user no longer exists. This is the warning:

JUser: :_load: Unable to load user with ID

RO Users gives you the possibility to assign these articles and categories to another user of your choice.

Invalid user settings

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