RO Payments

Version 6.6.0
Maturity Stable
Release Date 17-10-2021 02:00
To access this file, you need an active subscription. Purchase your subscription from our order page

Release Notes

Version 6.6.0 [ 2021-10-17 ]
+ Added support for RSForm! Pro responsive layouts
* Fixed error when EMS is default profile and notify check fails
* Fixed the afterConfirmPayment trigger
+ Added campaign and order fields as placeholders for JGive to be used in payment description
+ Added more order statuses for Mijoshop
/ Improved label and tooltip for Thank you page in RSForm! Pro
* Fixed to use new payment ID in onCreate triggers
+ Added option to auto-delete transactions after set days
* Fixed styling of RSForm! Pro options in Joomla 4
- Removed dashboard and show transactions immediately
+ Added send emails directly if a product is free in RSForm! Pro
* Fixed CLI scripts on Joomla 4

Install Notes

This is a major release of RO Payments and as such also the requirements have been updated. Make sure your server meets at least the following requirements:

  • Joomla 3.9 or higher
  • PHP 7.2 or higher