Version 8.1.0
Maturity Stable
Release Date 27-12-2021 01:00
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Release Notes

Version 8.1.0 [ 2021-12-27 ]
* Fixed adding template fields when using Load from database with Joomla connection
/ Changed to allow rules without a form
/ Changed database values to adhere to non-NULL values
* Fixed calling triggers in PHP 8
/ Changed to lower threshold for RSForm! Pro fields
* Fixed error in calculating product prices in VirtueMart Product export
/ Changed to show an error message on the result page
* Fixed group by for VirtueMart Product, VirtueMart Google, VirtueMart Yandex exports
/ Changed to not delete Custom Fields For All values if used by other products in VirtueMart Product import
/ Changed to show error message on result page instead of process page
* Fixed PHP and Joomla version checks
* Fixed the database verification for NULL fields
* Fixed undefined notice and grouped by for price_quantity_start field in VirtueMart Product export
/ Changed to add charset to export database connection
* Fixed parent check on Joomla Menu import
+ Added support for zipfiles when restoring templates
/ Changed turn off strict mode for database queries
+ Added support for arithmetic operations for product_quantity in HikaShop Product import
+ Added support for new ICEcat field in index file
* Fixed import of images with file_name in HikaShop Product import
* Fixed some modals not showing up
* Fixed XML import stops when encountering an empty node
* Fixed failure on retrieving remote images