Version 8.0.0
Maturity Stable
Release Date 24-11-2021 01:00
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Release Notes

Version 8.0.0 [ 2021-11-24]
* Fixed Getting started link on About page
* Fixed loading the categories and manufacturers in HikaShop Order export
* Fixed updating has_media field on VirtueMart Media Product import
* Fixed join type is not selected in Custom Table export
* Fixed not seeing all fields in Custom Table export
* Fixed parsing XML files showing duplicate paths
* Fixed updating has_media field on VirtueMart Media import

Version 8.0.0 release candidate 1 [ 2021-11-03 ]
* Fixed bridge template VirtueMart to HikaShop slug and product_s_description fields
/ Improved checking access token for Google Sheets
* Fixed product not added in Joomla 4 if product_description missing in HikaShop Product import
* Fixed shipping rates not added in Joomla 4 if shipping_zone_namekey missing in HikaShop Shipping Rate import
+ Added category_type field to example templates of HikaShop
+ Added the option to set the product ordering in multiple categories in VirtueMart Product import

Version 8.0.0 beta 2 [ 2021-10-20 ]
* Fixed SFTP class not loading
/ Moved the access check to the import script rantai.php to the About page
+ Added support for localized titles for product names in ICEcat import
* Fixed onCompleteUserImport trigger to pass a valid user ID
+ Added date formatting to all date fields in Joomla Content export
+ Added option to filter RSForm! Pro submissions based on a submission field value
* Fixed fatal error on HikaShop usage in Joomla 4
+ Added tags support in Joomla Contact import
+ Added tags support in Joomla Contact export
* Fixed database not being updated on installation
* Fixed fatal error getting statistics running RO CSVI via the command line
* Fixed Google sheets import to show HTTP 403 error
+ Added Facebook catalogue example template for VirtueMart
* Fixed HikaShop categories are not imported in Joomla 4
* Fixed restoring Sort By and Group By options in template
+ Added support for multiple prices in HikaShop Price import
* Fixed Joomla Content import in Joomla 4
* Fixed debug log being stored in two places
* Fixed HikaShop Product import in Joomla 4
* Fixed SEF URLs not generated via Maintenance option
* Fixed storing custom_ordering for parent products in VirtueMart Product import
+ Added support for flexible variable product type in J2Store Product import
+ Added support for product limits in HikaShop Limit import
+ Added support for product limits in HikaShop Limit export
* Fixed saving template of type Custom Table in Joomla 4
* Fixed Joomla Contact import in Joomla 4
* Fixed RO CSVI Custom Table import in Joomla 4
* Fixed Custom Fields import in Joomla 4
* Fixed Custom Field Groups import in Joomla 4
* Fixed administrator template not found running RO CSVI via the command line
* Fixed missing JDEBUG running RO CSVI via the command line in Joomla 4
/ Changed error reporting on missing custom fields in Joomla Custom Field import
* Fixed Joomla Menu import in Joomla 4
* Fixed Joomla Users import in Joomla 4
* Fixed Joomla Modules import in Joomla 4
* Fixed Joomla Tags import in Joomla 4
* Fixed routing after catching an exception
+ Added support for categories in Joomla Contacts
* Fixed user group selection not visible in Joomla 4

Version 8.0.0 beta 1 [ 2021-08-17 ]
+ Added Joomla 4 support
/ Improved the handling of unknown product attributes to show value and custom field name in VirtueMart Order export
/ Rewrote the XML parser to allow nested XML attributes
* Import of custom_price in VirtueMart Product import
/ Handle Custom Fields for All for the default language that does not have it's own table
+ Use parent custom field values for child products override and disabler fields on VirtueMart Product import
* Use category description only in last category when import a translation in VirtueMart Category import
* Fixed restoring a template breaks conditional rules
* Fixed backup of Google Sheet template breaks XML layout
* Fixed drag and drop wizard upload button
* Fixed product length, width and height cleared on import even if database has a value in VirtueMart Product import
/ Changed the check for duplicate aliases to use LIKE instead of REGEXP to improve import times
/ Update to PhpSpreadsheet 1.17.1
+ Added [datetime] field to Custom and Order Advanced XML header
+ Added plugin trigger onCompleteUserImport for csviext group in Joomla User import
* Fixed possible notice of undefined tags in restoring a template
+ Added option to automatically generate content URLs if menu item is of type single article in Joomla Menus import
/ Changed exporting shipping prices by reloading shipping plugins in VirtueMart Google Merchant export
* Fixed user not assigned when a single usergroup is used for VirtueMart Users import
* Fixed getting the incorrect fields in the RSForm! Pro Submission export
+ Added category_id field in HikaShop Product import
/ Read the domain name from the global settings for processing Google Sheets to make it work in cron as well
/ Allow updating a specific parent row for Stockable Custom Fields
* Fixed product type being changed on J2Store Product import
/ Improved the logic for reading shipping or billing data in VirtueMart Order export
+ Export translated form title in RSForm! Pro Submission export
+ Added the option to unpublish products before import based on manufacturer in VirtueMart Product import
/ Check the given field name against the Your field value as well in Field Copy plugin
- Removed key sorting for arithmetic operations so fields are used in the order given in Field Combine plugin
/ Improved handling of exporting data to Google Sheets
- Removed Import menu
- Removed Export menu
- Removed Dashboard menu
/ Set Templates menu as default page
/ Use Firefox user agent when sending external requests
* Fixed Joomla content import throwing an error that VirtueMart is not found
+ Added support for NULL values in custom table import
/ Changed extension plugins to check if they should run prior to performing any tasks
+ Added component filter in Templates list
+ Added support for image subfolders in HikaShop Product import
+ Added delimiter details on import preview
/ Check if address_type_name is NULL instead of empty in VirtueMart User import
+ Added option to restore template backup file from server
/ Changed the Google Spreadsheet URL to allow the full URL as well
/ Added storing external images on server in HikaShop Product import
* Fixed possible duplicate error for catalogsource in J2Store Product import
* Fixed cleaning up custom field relations not removing all relations in VirtueMart Product import
+ Added XML support to the field mapper
+ Added support for user_emails and user_ids in HikaShop Price import
+ Added favourite option for templates
* Fixed empty preview if skip rule skips the first 5 rows
* Fixed 0 value ignored in Field Combine calculations
+ Added not to import hidden rows from Google Sheets
+ Added check if rantai.php is accessible
+ Added start date and end date in HikaShop Price import
- Remove Fast Seller
+ Added option to recreate alias in Joomla Content import
+ Added Custom Fields for All are now also individual fields in VirtueMart Product import
+ Added multi-language support for HikaShop Product import
+ Added multi-language support for HikaShop Product export
+ Added multi-language support for HikaShop Category import
+ Added multi-language support for HikaShop Category export
+ Added multi-language support for HikaShop Characteristics import
+ Added multi-language support for HikaShop Characteristics export
* Fixed empty dates filtering in VirtueMart Order export
* Fixed category_parent_id is ambiguous error in VirtueMart Maintenance empty categories
/ Improved renaming multiple external images in VirtueMart Product import