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RO CSVI Breakdesigns Custom fields - Custom fields for all - Single value


Custom fields for all with single value

This case scenario will explain on how to import Customfieldsforall Custom field with only one value.

1. Go to VirtueMart Custom Fields page, create Custom field Material of type plugins and for Custom fields for all

 RO CSVI Breakdesigns custom fields single value

2. Create VirtueMart Product import template using RO CSVI.


3. Run the import with below content

"10001";"Material";"customfieldsforall";"Wood";"Sample Parent Product";"0";"100";"";"1"
"100011";"Material";"customfieldsforall";"Plastic";"Sample First Child Product ";"1";"";"10001";"1"
"100012";"Material";"customfieldsforall";"Metal";"Sample Second Child Product ";"1";"";"10001";"1"

4. Output on the frontend for parent product after import

 RO CSVI Breakdesigns custom fields single value frontend