
Document your code with live templates

| PhpStorm

Documenting your code is always a hassle and usually left till the end. The end meaning never and when you need that code again you spend all that time figuring out what the function was for. Once you figured it out you realize there is no time to document it now since you lost all that time figuring out what it was for and you need to move on.

Here come the live templates.

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Navigate to declarations

| PhpStorm

PhpStorm can navigate to functions and classes out of the box but there is added support for Joomla specific cases. The Joomla specific cases it can understand are:

  • Language strings
  • HTMLHelper

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Using Joomla DatabaseQuery completion

| PhpStorm

PhpStorm can understand the DatabaseQuery builder when a database connection has been setup as described in the Setting up data source using the Joomla configuration blog. This will enable PhpStorm to auto-complete when you are building queries.

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Setting up data source using the Joomla configuration

| PhpStorm

Setting up a data source is a very simple process when PhpStorm knows where to find your Joomla configuration as explained in the PhpStorm and the Joomla! configuration file blog. PhpStorm will read the database connection details from the Joomla configuration file and create the data source.

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PhpStorm and the Joomla! configuration file

| PhpStorm

The Joomla configuration file is not only used by Joomla but also PhpStorm uses it to understand how your Joomla site is setup. The configuration file helps PhpStorm to add extra features to the editor.

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All kind of cool features are highlighted of what you can do with PhpStorm to boost your productivity. In addition we also focus on Joomla specific features.